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- Grow, Uses, Side Effects, benefits & more
California Poppy Over view
California poppy are also known as Eschscholzia californica, golden poppies, California sunlight or gold cups. A species of flowering plant of the family Papaveraceae, that grows in the western United States and Mexico. It is adorned with red, orange, yellow and occasionally pink flowers in summer and spring. It is usually seen on the side of the road but at present its largest cultivation is also visible.
Its seeds, roots and various parts are also used as food or garnish. It is a wild flower that Native Americans have been using for centuries to treat pain, anxiety and insomnia. California poppy is used as an ingredient in many supplements.
Today, the California poppy remains a popular herbal remedy, but is more commonly used as a recreational drug. It is especially popular among people with insomnia and chronic pain, but can also cause other unwanted side effects when taken in high doses.
Grow or Cultivate
The California poppy is a native plant of California, growing from the San Francisco Bay Area to Southern California. California poppy is one of the most beautiful flowers to grace our California landscape. This native annual grows in sandy fields and hillsides across valleys, coastlines and states. This is an example of convergent evolution. The same or similar traits have emerged independently among different species. It is usually seen in spring and summer.
When it comes to gardening, most of us feel we have no choice but to spend a lot of time, effort and money in growing beautiful plants. But there are some wildflowers that we can cultivate without much fuss. One example is the California poppy.
The California poppy is not really a native plant, but it’s become an iconic symbol of California. It grows wild and easy in most parts of the state, although it can be cultivated as a garden plant too. While it might not be suitable for every household or place, if you are looking for a quick fix in home landscaping.
However, If want to grow your own plant of California poppy. so here are some tips for growing plants from seeds: Make sure you purchase seeds from a reputable source, such as local seed suppliers, to ensure that the seeds are viable and healthy. Prepare a warm, sunny area to plant the seeds in. Seedlings need at least 10 hours of sunlight per day to thrive and grow well. Clear any debris or stones out of the planting area, so the seedlings do not get injured or die.
USES & Benefits of California Poppy Seed
In herbal medicine, California poppies are used for their sedative and pain-relieving properties. They are also used to promote healthy sleep and induce a state of relaxation. These properties make golden poppies one of the best homeopathic remedies for insomnia, anxiety and muscular pains.
The most common way of preparing golden poppies tinctures is by adding it to alcohol. The resulting mixture has to be shaken well every day for 3 weeks before it can be consumed or used for medicinal purposes.
Side Effects
The California poppy is used to make medicine. However, it should not be used for more than three months at a time. Taking too much of this medication can cause addiction. It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions about how much medicine to take for your particular medical condition.
Note: Avoid use to stay safe while breastfeeding pregnant and infants. Use of California Poppy should be stopped at least 2 weeks before any type of surgery. This is because California poppy can slow down the central nervous system, leading to drowsiness and other side effects.
It is important to keep in mind that up to this time there is no specific information on how to use it. This type of natural medicine usually has no specific dosage for use. But yes, for a variety of herbal remedies mixed with California poppy, there may be prescribed doses. Therefore, it should not be a mistake to follow the relevant instructions on the product labels before taking. Talk to your healthcare provider before using.